[200q20v] Re: oil-change-oholics

Larry C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Mon Oct 29 18:27:31 EST 2001

Ah, well, I'd rather change the filter anyway. Just my opinion, call me


On Mon, 29 Oct 2001 09:09:38 +0100 "Phil Payne"
<quattro at isham-research.com> writes:
>> Filters should be changed every change. Reasons:
>I do it every change.  Filters are NOT that expensive, even original 
>But Audi's servce schedules don't change the filter at an 
>service - just the oil.
>  Phil Payne
>  http://www.isham-research.com
>  +44 7785 302 803
>  +49 173 6242039

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