[200q20v] Low oil temperatures!!!
Fundsalo Racing
fundsaloracing at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 31 15:18:13 EST 2001
These automobiles were designed to run at 100 MPH plus
for hours on end. You need to drive longer/harder!
--- "Richard E. Berlin, Jr." <rberlin at adelphia.net>
> Reading recent threads concerning proper oil
> temperatures
> has me worried.
> In this, my second Avant, I hardly ever get the oil
> temp
> gauge needle to climb above the 60 degree centigrade
> level.
> If these low temperatures are going to promote
> condensation,
> I need to take some action. But what????????BTW, I
> run
> Redline 15W50 and get plenty of oil pressure. The
> radiator
> and afterrun fan also appear to operate just fine.
> Any BTDT's??
> I almost forgot: I'm pulling the transmission next
> weekend,
> ( replacing it, actually), so I'll keep good notes
> for the
> list.
> Thanks,
> Richard E. Berlin, Jr
> '91 200q20v Avant, Indigo/platinum, IA III+
> (978) 548-3737
> Home:(978) 526-9177
> Email: rberlin at feltonberlin.com
> (Boston/North )
> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/ms-tnef
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