[200q20v] Watkins Glen photos
Phil Rose
pjrose at frontiernet.net
Fri Sep 7 16:43:38 EDT 2001
I had the pleasure of finally meeting Mike Veglia (just briefly)
towards the end of the WG event last month. Yesterday I perused his
website and enjoyed seeing many excellent shots he's taken at
numerous races (including ALMS) and Quattro Club track events. Last
evening Mike started to post some of his WG photos. Since he has
hundreds of shots (and little time), he's only able to accommodate
posting pictures for those who make specific requests (by email) for
posting any photos showing their cars. So I requested, and he
obliged me in short order. Here's one shot
http://motorsportvisions.com/wg01_tmp/t44_09.jpg which I happen to
think is a "keeper". My son. Marc, is behind the wheel.
Mike now has "low-cost" digital prints available (made on relatively
long-lasting photographic paper); an 8x10 is $12 incl shipping. Quite
reasonable for a nice, professionally done photo. Getting decent
shots of cars at speed at the track is not a trivial matter ( as I've
learned to my dismay, over the years.)
Mike's website is http://motorsportvisions.com and is well worth a
look. Others listers who drove at WG last month should contact Mike
directly if interested in seeing "their" photos.
Disclaimer: I have no personal connection to or financial interest
in motorsportvisions.
Phil Rose Rochester, NY
'91 200q mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net
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