[200q20v] Running Hot

RICHARD MEZIC rmezic at keyspanenergy.com
Thu Sep 13 12:38:15 EDT 2001

Thanks to everyone that responded to my recent e-mail about my 200q20v wagon
running hot.  And the answer is...

The fusible link! (for those keeping score at home) :).

I started out by checking the fan.  I disconnected it from the harness and
powered it directly with jumper cables.  Next step was the fusible link.  It
looked OK but I wanted to take it apart to clean off the surface corrosion
and it crumbled in my hands.

The inevitable next question - where's a good source for a new fusible link?
Does it come with the whole black mounting box?  Or should I go with a
generic part from the local FLAPS?  What have other people done?  Somebody
posted recently that they used a Ford or GM part.  Can I replace it with an
inline heavy-duty fuse holder?


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