[200q20v] Normal Temp Gauge Reading

Joseph Vanzeipel vanzeipel at mac.com
Thu Sep 20 15:55:06 EDT 2001

Mine does the same thing, but usually only when it's hot outside, above 85
or so during normal city driving, stop and go it will do that above about 75
or 80, and during highway driving, it will only get hot if above 100 and I
have quite a load in the car (like moving all my stuff back to college).
Sounds like you have a normal cooling system to me.

Joseph VanZeipel
200q20v 116k

> What's the "normal" operating range for the water temperature gauge at the
> left of the cluster?
> If you look on the gauge (from left to right) - it has three close heavy
> hash marks, one light one, one heavy one, two light ones, one heavy one, one
> light one.  Also, there are two sets of dots.  In order, it looks like: (o =
> dot, i = light mark, I = heavy mark)
> oIIoI i I i oio I i
> In my car (1991 200q wagon) the fan goes on when the temp reaches above the
> middle heavy hash mark and the engine cools down before it reaches the next
> (light) one.
> What is everyone else's experience?
> -RJM-
> P.S. I agree, the most popular failure of the year is the fusible link.  If
> you haven't changed it yet...
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