audi parts - Recommendation

Ingo D. Rautenberg ingo at
Mon Apr 8 11:22:39 EDT 2002

Can be said of most anyone, especially when it comes to those infamous UFO
rotors -- pricing is all over the map and Brett mentioned the best price he
found recently was actually at the Audi Dealer.  Just another option.  Chris
has been most fair to me, but even someone like Chris can't get you the best
deal on everything....


----- Original Message -----
From: <maximum at>
To: <ingo at>
Cc: <themercedesbenz at>; <200q20v at>
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 7:29 AM
Subject: Re: audi parts - Recommendation

> I've seen these offered on Ebay fairly frequently if you can wait and
> mind looking around a bit.  Watch your pricing at Force5.  I know Chris
> personally and yet was kind enough to offer my wife a set of UFO's at
> "wholesale" for $800.00  Fortunately, my wife has a brain in her head and
> knew more than enough to say, "No thanks."  On the other hand, maybe it
> was because I know him ;-).
> Paul Royal aka 20RoT

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