Fram vs Mann 200q20v digest

Fundsalo Racing fundsaloracing at
Wed Apr 17 04:26:44 EDT 2002

I've been using those orange filters for oh, almost 30
years now. My new employer doesn't like those orange
filters so I'm switching all my cars to those nice
shiny black ones that wiegh like 2-3x Vs the orange
ones. (must be a reason the orange ones are so
light.....) I'll be looking for any changes in oil
pressure as well as for reduced delay in pressure
build-up when the engine is first started. Will share
all results.



--- SuffolkD at wrote:
> Re:  Mann vs Fram: as spoken by Paul and
> Glenn.............
> Not to start one of those us vs. them treads
> I've used both. Both seem to have adequate filtering
> capabilities when used
> for 3,000 miles. I've gone ~400,000 miles on a 4KQ
> and 4cyl 4Ks on Frams.
> Although I've used Mann for the turbos.
> Anyone have info on the oil pressure differences of
> turbo(s) vs. NA  5
> cylinders?
> I've heard talk about the Fram filters not being
> enough for the Audi oil
> pumps (due to pressures)  One look inside was
> convincing for me  The cost
> seemed to back up the visible internals as far as
> quality in my limited
> knowledge.  That's why the Mann's on the Turbo.
> See you both on the tracks.
> -Scott Downs in Boston
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-glen  "Upon common theaters, indeed, the applause of the audience is of more importance to the actors than their own approbation. But upon the stage of life, while conscience claps, let the world hiss! On the contrary if conscience dissapproves, the loudest applause of the world are of little value."

John Adams


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