Clunking and steering.

Bernie Benz b.m.benz at
Mon Apr 29 12:05:57 EDT 2002


If the upper strut bearing is not free, turning the wheel will wind up the
spring until it develops enough torque to overcome the higher break away
friction of the bearing.  Then the spring unwinds with a clunk.  Usually
less of a problem on the 44 than the 89 chassis because of the much larger
strut bearing on the 44 chassis.  This bearing does not need replacing, just
cleaning out and relubing, best done when the strut must be removed from the
car for other purposes such as wheel bearing replacement.  My 11/15/01
posting, "Wheel Bearing Postmortem" had more detail on the R&R involved.


> From: Brian Link <brianl at>
> Organization: Starsys Research
> Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 11:34:29 -0600
> To: "'200q20v at'" <200q20v at>
> Subject: Clunking and steering.
> Can someone tell me what are the symptoms of the front upper strut mounts
> when they go bad.  My steering makes a clunking sound when turning the
> steering wheel.  The sound is not form the rack but from the passenger side
> strut mount.
> Thanks In advance
> Brian Link
> Boulder, CO
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