Boost Gauge Install BTDT

Brian Link brianl at
Fri Aug 9 11:52:31 EDT 2002


Power source:  I used the cigarette lighter light for illumination, ran the
wire behind the instrument cluster, I became a pro at removing the IC, so
the cigarette lighter seemed pretty easy to do and gave me rheostat

Boost line:  I ran the through the firewall to the back of the intake
manifold.  I installed a tee where the bypass valve connects to the intake
manifold. I don't know if the bypass valve affects my readings, but I could
move the connection to the computer line.  No fluttering/vibration of the
gauge.  I used a existing pass through near where the steering goes through
firewall, Multiple unused 3-4mm grommets to choose from.  Same path as my
air/fuel gauge sensor wire.

Brian Link
Boulder, CO

From: "Jobe Tichy" <bimmer_dude at>
To: 200q20v at
Subject: Boost Gauge Install BTDT
Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2002 19:53:04 +0000

Hello Listers...

I'm putting together a boost gauge project and was contemplating how to run
wire for the illumination and the best place to tap into for the pressure
line.  I would like to have reostat control with the other gauges, so I'm
wondering if anyone has any "easy" suggestions for a quick and dirty tap
a power source for a  boost gauge light--

cigarette lighter?  This can be a bear to get at last time I checked.

Also, for running the boost line--I read somewhere that you'd want it on
pressure line close to the ECU inside the car to avoid vibration.  Is this
real concern?  Because I have read conflicting suggestions to tap in under
hood in case it blows off so you can quickly reattach.  Is the hard green
to the ECU really the best place to tap in?  Does the Bypass Valve line
give proper
readings also seeing how the boost/vaccuum operates the valve?

Thanks in advance.


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