Nissens Radiators

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Thu Aug 15 14:18:40 EDT 2002

I have a response from the guy the Nissens export guy referred us to, and
he says he can import the radiator (in case you missed earlier remarks,
this is an all-metal copy of the OEM plasticized radiator that comes with
provision already for hooking to the auxiliary radiator--Modine's
no-longer-available all-metal radiator that would fit into the 200q20v
mounts did not have this provision) but he can only sell wholesale to a
shop, jobber or parts retailer, AND IN SOME QUANTITY.

So, I'm looking around for a possible retailer, and it would be helpful to
know how many of these radiators he could expect to sell?????

I'm not organizing a group buy at this point, but I think it would make a
more likely availability of these radiators if we had a pretty good idea
how many are definitely interested.  Providing the price is at or below
what we can get OEM plastic radiators for from the usual suspects, how many
of you would  join me in buying a Nissens (even though my present radiator
doesn't have any problems)?

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