UFOs about to go in...
Brett Dikeman
brett at cloud9.net
Wed Aug 21 22:59:49 EDT 2002
At 8:28 PM -0400 8/21/02, Zoot531 at aol.com wrote:
> Just as an update, i recieved a new set of UFO rotos (kinda sharp lookin'
>without the brake dust) and a new set of Jurid brake pads from
>www.thepartsbin.com today. The old UFOs were severely cupped and grooved and
>measured below 0.90" thickness, the pads were totally shot, one of them was
>metal on metal. I hope to put the rotors back on the car tonight, but as
>i've never worked on brakes before, i was wondering if bleeding the brakes is
>a "must do" or a "should probably do, but can wait until i change the brake
>bomb sometime next month" I know this is probably sad, but i have no idea
>how one goes about bleeding brakes and if removing the rotors makes this a
>necessity or not.
The brake line should be clamped(with something to protect said brake
line if you do not use a proper hose clamp; radiator hose, several
wraps of thick cloth, whatever) and then the bleeder opened when the
piston is pushed in- it keeps dirt/rust/whatever from getting pushed
into the ABS unit, master cylinder, etc, where the it could rip
seals/orings, scratch cylinder walls, etc. It was one of many good
tips I picked up from the FAQs of one of the Volvo lists- mechanics
reportedly see a decrease in MC failures and such. Makes good sense
when you think about it.
Close the bleeder while still pressing the piston in(or still
applying pressure to it), and you should end up with little in the
way of air in the caliper or line. Bleeding the system would still
be a very good idea though.
"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
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