Hi Again - '91 Avant being stripped

Peter Schulz peschulz at cisco.com
Fri Aug 23 13:06:29 EDT 2002

While we're at it, let's remember that we are a world wide list...


in Chelmsford MA, USA

At 08:52 AM 8/23/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>As I remember, our Listmeister once suggested that we include our
>location when signing messages. I think it's a great idea! It seems that
>in reading all the posts to our list, I often find myself wondering
>about the writers location. Let's DO IT!
>Neil Vonhof

Peter Schulz
1990 CQ
1991 200 20v TQW indigo mica
1991 200 20v TQW titanium grey
Chelmsford, MA USA
peschulz at cisco.com

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