UPdate on My "new" 91TQ 20v Avant

Phil Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Wed Aug 28 15:36:24 EDT 2002


Welcome to the list.

What/where did you buy to replace your cats?

As for the high pressure hose to the steering rack, you might want to
check out my photos in Chris Miller's web site
(http://members.aol.com/c1j1miller/steer.html#Hoses). It is a
difficult job, but obviously do-able. Removing the hydraulic
reservoir (including bracket) is necessary to gain access. Requires
great patience to reach and undo the banjo bolt at the far end of
that hose. That part of the job requires hundreds of partial
bolt-turns until it's out. Getting the bolt re-started after
replacing the hose was the most difficult thing--for my large hands.
I have my wife's slender digits to thank for reaching in and getting
that bolt threaded. Torquing that bolt to specs is also
illustrated--using a 40"-long cheater pipe into which I've inserted a
19 mm open-end wrench (modified by cutting off its "other" end so it
could slide into the pipe).

The oem hose costs about $150 at The Parts Connection. Others say you
can get by with having your hose rebuilt at a competent hydraulics
shop--but you must be willing to risk that it might still leak or
make a lot of noise. This is one job I absolutely wouldn't want to
re-do because I tried to save $60-70 on parts.


P.S. You might want to consider something other than "'91TQ 20V" to
describe your car (look at the name of this list, for example).   For
one thing, your designation fails to indicate that it's a 200 model.
Also, since _all_ Audi 200s have turbocharged engines, the "T" is
redundant, especially when used on this list. Perhaps something along
the lines of: '91 200q Avant, '91 200qw ("w" for wagon"), etc....

At 8:16 AM -0700 8/28/02, Chuck Pierce wrote:
>At last report I was screaming I need to install two new cats, since it
>had failed smog twice. Well with two new cats it will not ruin the
>Calif. air any more, got the clean bill of health yesterday. ONe of the
>cats was pluged about 60% and the other about 40% ( think it will run
>any better?) While in for tune up my mech. found that the drain plug was
>loose and leaking, seems some where in the cars previous life some moron
>had lost the original drain plug and replaced it with one the wrong
>diameter (25mm vs 26m). I was scared to death I was going to have to
>replace the oil pan.
>Now on to the leaking high pressure hose for the power steering and the
>spastic oil warning light. THese come before a laundry list of grips
>that we noted on the 24hr drive from Tulsa,OK .
>I figure the car is a two year project to get it where I want it, most
>of this is just waiting for the funds for the project.
>Thanks for the input from the folks on the list
>Chuck Pierce
>91TQ 20v Avant ( getting better )
>200q20v mailing list
>200q20v at audifans.com


Phil Rose
Rochester, NY
mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net

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