Lime Rock Vintage Festival, LAST CALL

Brett Dikeman brett at
Fri Aug 30 17:12:48 EDT 2002

Folks- our Lime Rock social event is in dire straights.  We've only
sold, so far, about 10 tickets to the vintage festival and to the

We're trying to work out something with the track to return any
unsold gate passes, but the Inn just received their food- we're
somewhat stuck in that department.

For $15/person the dinner is(I think) pretty nice...if you'd like to
spend Sunday afternoon and evening hanging out with fellow Audi
enthusiasts, please, sign up for the dinner(signup page is linked off
the page address above) and come join us.

Lastly- I don't have access to a lot of the various lists besides
Audifans- if people could help out posting to VWVortex, the A4 forum,
Audizine, etc...I'd sincerely appreciate it.  Anyone is welcome to
email me questions about the event but please do so ASAP!

Brett Dikeman						brett at
Social Events Coordinator				508-358-5905 before 9pm
Northeast Region
Audi Car Club of North America/Quattro Club USA

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