Cold Start (spark plugs?), now crankcase breather system

Derek Pulvino dbpulvino at
Thu Dec 5 17:03:15 EST 2002

Hey gang,

Ok, so diging in, followed the lead of oil around the distributor and low
and behold there was oil inside the cap, and hence a leaking distributor.
As such, the cap and rotor are "less than optimum." IE, the contacts are
looking UGLY!

Going by Bernie's past assessment of "check out the crankcase breather
system if your distributor is leaking," I am now doing that.  Bear in mind
that the distributor in question is only about 35k old.

The hose attached to the drivers side of the block (the one that usually
collapses) is in fine shape as it was replaced at that "35k miles ago" as
well.  The system has no leaks and is attached at both ends (ie block and
cold side of turbo outlet).  The only thing I don't understand is the valve
looking jobber with a 90deg. bend, located under the metal intake hose (part
number 034 129 101A).  What does this thing do, and could it be gumming the

And then two more questions:  given the above anything else to look for as
to why I'm seeing oil coming out of the distributor, and does anybody know
who currently has the "correct" rotor available for our cars?  I did note
oil pooled in the ribs of the top accordian hose, which I have been told is
normal, but how much is normal?

What now?  I can replace the cap and rotor, but that's not going to prevent
it from happening again given our "mechanism of injury?"


Derek Pulvino

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