[200q20v] Re: New Radiator

George Sidman sidman at montereynet.net
Mon Feb 4 09:15:02 EST 2002

You need to have your local radiator shop add two 1" nipples opposite
the two on the side tank. (I would be very surprised if you could even
find a replacement radiator, short of OEM, that comes with the aux
hookup.) The aux radiator hooks up just fine then. I would not have a
plastic radiator for any reason. Metal radiators have been around a
lot longer than these plastic fantastic failures, and if you use a
50/50 mix of distilled water and sodium free antifreeze, they will
last forever. And, they don't fail when the water pump craps out and
evacuates the coolant, cracking the upper connection from thermal

Since you have it in, check the location for another connector at the
bottom to see if you can also have them install a half inch nipple so
you can attach a hose and valve to drain the cooling system.
George Sidman, President
Monterey Network Center
sidman at montereynet.net
831. 657. 1500

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