[200q20v] Re: [V8] V8 and 200q20v difference

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Tue Feb 5 13:44:34 EST 2002

oh man.  I'd race you, albeit with a 5-speed V8...  Maybe I haven't had
enough time behind the wheel of a CC20v (likely), but I can't see the
200 (not completely tricked out, at least) being as fast, let alone
faster, than the V8.  But whatever, both are fast enough to hang with
about anything I come across on the open highway and are quick enough to
get me in deep doo-doo.

Mileage?  Neither's really all that good, though I'd put my $$ on the
200 by a mph or three.

Is Steve Bednarski around?  I think he's got one of each & probably has
some insight...

'91 V8 5M
Not interested in p'ing match, just interested.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fundsalo Racing [mailto:fundsaloracing at yahoo.com]
> I have a very hard time believing the V8 is faster
> (except mebbe off the line) or gets better MPG.

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