[200q20v] 3B/AAN Windage trays

Fundsalo Racing fundsaloracing at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 10 11:40:46 EST 2002

Not directly applicable, but on the NF-code engine in
my 84 4KQ R-R car I used both a factory in-pan baffle
as well as the 2B windage tray. Used two pan gaskets,
one on each side of the 2B windage tray.

--- "Archibald, Jon" <JArchibald at whpacific.com> wrote:
> Allow me to reiterate that I have NOT done this
> modification myself, nor had
> the opportunity to remove my oil pan. Yet. The
> person I bought the car from,
> Alex Neckas, who races a 400+hp 4kq w/3B developed
> this solution. Since he
> does these conversions for people professionally, I
> do not expect him to
> give me the particulars of the process, but my
> impression is that the stock
> windage tray is attached to the pan itself (this
> from looking at family
> album) somewhere in the middle of the pan, whereas
> the AAN baffles attach at
> the perimeter of the pan. with some modification,
> both can fit together.
> With the same number of pan gaskets as if you were
> just using the AAN
> baffles. Ultimately, figuring out how this works
> will require someone taking
> their oil pan off, and this is about #3 on my car
> to-do list right now,
> especially since I just changed the oil :-) I
> apologize for only knowing a
> little bit about this mod.  but I figured letting
> folks know that the
> solution is at least out there is better than
> nothing.
> Best of luck.
> -Jon
> Jon-
> I'd like a bit of clarification- are you saying that
> you can use both
> trays at the same time? How is this done? This
> doesn't cause problems
> with oil pickup?
> Sounds like I'd need 3 oilpan gaskets to do that.
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