[200q20v] Distributor GP

Derek Pulvino dbpulvino at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 11 12:54:52 EST 2002

Hey all,

Just wanted everyone to know that I went through the e-mails I received and
put everybody into a mailing list.  Hoping that will make it easier as we
move ahead.

We are still working out the exactitudes of how this will come together, pu=
as it stands it looks like we are going do a prototype run of one or two
gears to make sure the manufacturing process worked, and then build from
there.  As I understand it, Bernie has volunteered to work with the
manufacturer because of 1. his proximity to the shop, and 2. his engineerin=
background.  I'm sure everybody has a pretty good handle on how easy it is
to BS Bernie, so I'd say we're in good hands there.

The plan is to use an old dist with a plastic gear as a template, and build
from there.  We are also hoping to have at least an intake cam on hand to
check the mesh, and most ideal still would be the availability of a spare
head to REALLY check the process.  If anybody has any of these last two
things (cam or head) available, let me know and we can figure out how to
best use/get ahold of it.

I've also sent this message to the 200 list in case there is anybody who is
interested that didn't make it onto the list, and I'm sure Bernie will
forward this to the 20v list.

Haven't worked out an exact price, payment system, shipping arrangements,
timeline etc yet, but I will keep people posted as this develops.  I'm
hoping that we can get through the prototype stage in the next 2-3 weeks,
with final production running some time after that.

I will keep you posted as things develop.

And if you're not on the list, please let me know :)

Derek Pulvino

"If music be the food of love, play on"
-William Shakespeare
Twelfth Night, Act 1 Scene 1

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