[200q20v] RS2 & 3B - Fueling Around

Bernie Benz b.m.benz at prodigy.net
Sun Jan 20 21:44:41 EST 2002

> From: "TM" <t44tq at mindspring.com>
> Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 21:34:20 -0500
> To: "'Bernie Benz'" <b.m.benz at prodigy.net>
> Cc: "'200q20V mailing list'" <200q20v at audifans.com>
> Subject: RE: [200q20v] RS2 & 3B - Fueling Around
> If your statement is true, how do you explain the
> driveability problems of those individuals who played
> mix n' match with RS2 components?
I can usually and eventually explain problems caused by my misjudgements,
but not those of others.
> Simple fact that RS2 injectors are designed to run at
> a different pressure than 3B injectors- without a
> matching FPR, how are you going to obtain the right
> amount of fuel? It will either be too rich or too lean
> based on the same electrical input.
This statement points to the fact that apparently you don't understand the
closed loop characteristics of the FI system.  The electrical input would
not be the same!
> You're changing the situation if you're implying that
> I am only talking about a max boost situation where the
> fuel system is running closed-loop-
It's always running closed loop!
> I'm talking about
> all across the board, as we don't run our engines at
> max throttle/boost all the time, do we?
Under those limited circumstances what is the need for upgrade?

> I don't really understand what you're talking about in
> terms of flow being the same at a fixed boost level- how
> would a larger turbo produce the same amount of boost
> w/o more airflow?
Under any given scenero, in which you define boost and RPM, you have fixed
mass air flow, totally independent of the boost provider.
>I thought that you would have more airflow
> through the larger turbo, causing the effect that you would
> have more air physically flowing into the intake at the same
> boost level as the compressor would be able to compress more
> air at the same pressure due to the larger size.
In simplistic terms, P x V = a Constant, when feeding a constant
displacement machine.  You have fixed P, so therefore V is likewise fixed,
independent of the hardware providing the pressure.
> If turbo boost
> is measured as absolute airflow through the intake manifold
> (which I think you're saying),
Wrong, you are mixing up terms.  Boost is a pressure measurement, air flow
is a volume per unit time, quanity measurement.

>  then that makes sense to me and
> I'm totally wrong about turbocharger operation and I stand
> corrected.
> I don't want to spread misinformation, sorry if I did.
> Taka
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