[200q20v] Window regulators -- maybe we're on to something?

Charles Baer charlie at istari.com
Tue Jan 22 09:18:15 EST 2002

I use lithium for many things, but a can of spray silicone works
wonders in window frame tracks.  Should be available at the hardware
store or ski shop.  The Boeing lube is fantastic in sunroof tracks
and it also seems to fight icing in the door keyholes.

The silicone stays cleaner and helps avoid the dirt and goo that tend
to accumulate.


Brett Dikeman wrote:
> At 10:22 AM -0800 1/21/02, Dave Haupt wrote:
> >Peter,
> >
> >The door panel is off, the window regulator is
> >completely removed.  So, moving the glass up and down
> >by hand means you're only moving the glass.  I gather,
> >from your comment, that the glass should fall merely
> >from the force of gravity?
> >
> Relube the tracks with a good grease that will stay put but isn't too
> thick(ie, WD40 need not apply here.)  Something like Boeshield, which
> apparently is highly recommended for the sunroof tracks, might work
> well?  White lithium grease is another possibility.  Check the tracks
> to make sure the existing goo is clean, it probably isn't.  If so,
> get rid of as much as possible and put new stuff on.  Tada, windows
> that work like new!  Well, once you get the regulator fixed ;-)
> HTH!
> B
> --
> ----
> "They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
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