[200q20v] headlight protection

Mark Trank MTrank at albemarle.org
Thu Jan 24 12:17:37 EST 2002

Fellow listers:

Picking up on a recent thread, I just saw an ad in a catalog I get from a
local company called International AutoSport for headlight
protection.....product is called "X-Pel" and is described as "40-mil"
thermoplastic vinyl backed by a 4-year, $1000 headlight replacement
guarantee.  Cost listed in the catalog is $44.95 for two covers.  Their
toll-free # is 800-726-1199.....website is www.autosportcatalog.com.

No affiliations, but I have purchased various items from this company over
the years and believe that they are a very good outfit.  Most of their
business appears to be direct mail but they have a small retail shop here in
Charlottesville where the business is located.

91 200q20v 92k miles

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