[200q20v] Snow Tires

Edward J Kellock ekellock at juno.com
Thu Jan 24 23:49:16 EST 2002

Take your business elsewhere, they are full of $hit.
It is one size smaller, but that is not enough to cause a problem.
I had a '91 Avant with that size on which I drove for two years
with no problem whatsoever.  The shop you went to is either
stupid or just didn't want your money.

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 21:08:45 -0500 "Drew Lipner" <jdlipner at hotmail.com>
> I recently ordered a set of 205/60- 15 Blizzaks which I was planning
> on
> mounting on my OE 15 inch 7.5 BBS's (on the avant). When the tires
> were
> brought to the tire shop (purchased from the tire rack) they refused
> to
> mount them b/c they considered them a down-grade in size.
> I have been told the 205 is too small. Is this true? Do I need to
> mount
> 215's on this car? Why can't I mount the 205, considering it is for
> winter?
> Thank you all for the feedback.
> Best, Drew Lipner
> '91 Avant 90k
> 415-505-0845
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