[200q20v] to chip or not to chip...?

Claus Vegener vegener at post7.tele.dk
Fri Jan 25 08:58:37 EST 2002

I just have to ask -
IA Stage III are using RS2 injectors.
Your MPG (if from the board computer) still
measure duty cycles, not knowing the amount of
Kind Regards
Claus Vegener
(IA Stage III)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fundsalo Racing" <fundsaloracing at yahoo.com>
To: <Zoot531 at aol.com>; <200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 4:01 AM
Subject: Re: [200q20v] to chip or not to chip...?

I am very very pleased with the IA Stage III+. Have
had it over a year now. No loss of drivability
whatsoever. No reliability problems. MPG even went UP
by 1-2 MPG. My car is otherwise bone-stock. Excellent
mod and superb perf/$ ratio. Could not be happier with
it. I think Ned is just slow in updating his web
site... It's available.


-glen  get cash-back on all web purchases @ gnjpowell.nexgenmall.com !


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John Adams

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