[200q20v] Re: IA Stage III
Tom Daily
TDaily at genlyte.com
Fri Jan 25 13:04:47 EST 2002
Re: IA Stage III: I have one too---very happy with it: shows 0-60 in 5.7 sec on the G-Tech (which I do believe is a bit optimistic); 1/4 mile in 14.6, 99MPH; rear wheel HP at 296 (which I know is optimistic---N. Ritchie claims about 277 at the flywheel) with a weight input of 3950 lbs.
Tom Daily, Boston, MA
'91 200 20V TQ--Bamboo: 70,500 (winter)
'86.5 928S3 Auto--Iris Blue: 70,200 (summer)
'90 V8 Quattro--Stone Gray 94,600 (son's driver)
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Today's Topics:
1. 200q20v] diff lock from hell possible fix (Brian Link)
2. headlight protection (Mark Trank)
3. Snow Tires (Drew Lipner)
4. Re: to chip or not to chip...? (Fundsalo Racing)
5. missed eBay deal on new UFO rotor (Peter Schulz)
6. Re: Snow Tires (Edward J Kellock)
7. Re: to chip or not to chip...? (Claus Vegener)
8. Interior lights (Dmohlemacher at aol.com)
9. Interior lights (Dmohlemacher at aol.com)
10. Re: missed eBay deal on new UFO rotor (Kneale Brownson)
11. Re: [audi20v] Re: The distributor saga continues (Bernie Benz)
12. RE: Interior lights (Henry A Harper III)
Message: 1
From: Brian Link <brianl at starsys.com>
To: "'200q20v at audifans.com'" <200q20v at audifans.com>,
"'Chris Covington <malth at umich.edu>'" <Chris Covington <malth at umich.edu>>
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 10:14:04 -0600
Organization: Starsys Research
Subject: [200q20v] 200q20v] diff lock from hell possible fix
Light on = differential is locked. My friends lock would do the same thing
as you describe. The fix was to clean all the soda, coffee and crumbs out
of the switch. Remove it, open it up, clean it with IPA, or rubbing
alcohol, re-install. This is assuming that the vacuum system to the diff
lock is in good shape.
Brian Link
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 20:35:51 -0500 (EST)
From: Chris Covington <malth at umich.edu>
To: <200q20v at audifans.com>
Cc: <quattro at audifans.com>
Subject: [200q20v] diff lock from hell
So today I get in the car, fire it up, and I see the Anti-lock off light
again, then the green diff lock light in the diff diagram, hmm.. it seems
that the diff lock has engaged again. I was able to turn it off (ABS
was re-enabled, the green light was off) and get where I was going with
the diff unlocked. I think it was physically unlocked too, the car
didn't feel squirrely or scrub the tires around corners. So on the way
home I fire up the 200q20v again and what do you know, it's engaged and
I can't disengage it. I tried shutting the car off, back on, and
immediately disengaging it but this didn't work, so it seems I'm
perma-difflocked now.
Has this happened to anyone before? Also, when that yellow
crescent-shaped light is illuminated on the diff switch, is the diff
supposed to be on or off?
'91 200q20v
Message: 2
From: Mark Trank <MTrank at albemarle.org>
To: 200q20v at audifans.com
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 12:17:37 -0500
Subject: [200q20v] headlight protection
Fellow listers:
Picking up on a recent thread, I just saw an ad in a catalog I get from a
local company called International AutoSport for headlight
protection.....product is called "X-Pel" and is described as "40-mil"
thermoplastic vinyl backed by a 4-year, $1000 headlight replacement
guarantee. Cost listed in the catalog is $44.95 for two covers. Their
toll-free # is 800-726-1199.....website is www.autosportcatalog.com.
No affiliations, but I have purchased various items from this company over
the years and believe that they are a very good outfit. Most of their
business appears to be direct mail but they have a small retail shop here in
Charlottesville where the business is located.
91 200q20v 92k miles
Message: 3
From: "Drew Lipner" <jdlipner at hotmail.com>
To: 200q20v at audifans.com
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 21:08:45 -0500
Subject: [200q20v] Snow Tires
I recently ordered a set of 205/60- 15 Blizzaks which I was planning on
mounting on my OE 15 inch 7.5 BBS's (on the avant). When the tires were
brought to the tire shop (purchased from the tire rack) they refused to
mount them b/c they considered them a down-grade in size.
I have been told the 205 is too small. Is this true? Do I need to mount
215's on this car? Why can't I mount the 205, considering it is for winter?
Thank you all for the feedback.
Best, Drew Lipner
'91 Avant 90k
Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com
Message: 4
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 19:01:54 -0800 (PST)
From: Fundsalo Racing <fundsaloracing at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [200q20v] to chip or not to chip...?
To: Zoot531 at aol.com, 200q20v at audifans.com
I am very very pleased with the IA Stage III+. Have
had it over a year now. No loss of drivability
whatsoever. No reliability problems. MPG even went UP
by 1-2 MPG. My car is otherwise bone-stock. Excellent
mod and superb perf/$ ratio. Could not be happier with
it. I think Ned is just slow in updating his web
site... It's available.
-glen get cash-back on all web purchases @ gnjpowell.nexgenmall.com !
Part #1 We may please ourselves with the prospect of free and popular gover=
nments. But there is great danger that those governments will not make us h=
appy. God grant that they may. But I fear that in every assembly, members w=
ill obtain an influence by noise not sense. By meanness, not greatness. By =
ignorance, not learning. By contracted hearts, not large souls...
John Adams
Do You Yahoo!?
Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions!
Message: 5
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 14:26:42 -0500
To: 200q20v <200q20v at audifans.com>
From: Peter Schulz <peschulz at cisco.com>
Subject: [200q20v] missed eBay deal on new UFO rotor
Folks :
Someone just sold an unused UFO rotor in box on ebay for $61.50!!!
Peter Schulz
1990 CQ
1991 200 20v TQW indigo mica
1991 200 20v TQW titanium grey
Chelmsford, MA USA
peschulz at cisco.com
Message: 6
To: jdlipner at hotmail.com
Cc: 200q20v at audifans.com
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 23:49:16 -0700
Subject: Re: [200q20v] Snow Tires
From: Edward J Kellock <ekellock at juno.com>
Take your business elsewhere, they are full of $hit.
It is one size smaller, but that is not enough to cause a problem.
I had a '91 Avant with that size on which I drove for two years
with no problem whatsoever. The shop you went to is either
stupid or just didn't want your money.
On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 21:08:45 -0500 "Drew Lipner" <jdlipner at hotmail.com>
> I recently ordered a set of 205/60- 15 Blizzaks which I was planning
> on
> mounting on my OE 15 inch 7.5 BBS's (on the avant). When the tires
> were
> brought to the tire shop (purchased from the tire rack) they refused
> to
> mount them b/c they considered them a down-grade in size.
> I have been told the 205 is too small. Is this true? Do I need to
> mount
> 215's on this car? Why can't I mount the 205, considering it is for
> winter?
> Thank you all for the feedback.
> Best, Drew Lipner
> '91 Avant 90k
> 415-505-0845
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Message: 7
From: "Claus Vegener" <vegener at post7.tele.dk>
To: "Fundsalo Racing" <fundsaloracing at yahoo.com>
Cc: "audifan20v" <200q20v at audifans.com>
Subject: Re: [200q20v] to chip or not to chip...?
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 08:58:37 +0100
I just have to ask -
IA Stage III are using RS2 injectors.
Your MPG (if from the board computer) still
measure duty cycles, not knowing the amount of
Kind Regards
Claus Vegener
(IA Stage III)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fundsalo Racing" <fundsaloracing at yahoo.com>
To: <Zoot531 at aol.com>; <200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 4:01 AM
Subject: Re: [200q20v] to chip or not to chip...?
I am very very pleased with the IA Stage III+. Have
had it over a year now. No loss of drivability
whatsoever. No reliability problems. MPG even went UP
by 1-2 MPG. My car is otherwise bone-stock. Excellent
mod and superb perf/$ ratio. Could not be happier with
it. I think Ned is just slow in updating his web
site... It's available.
-glen get cash-back on all web purchases @ gnjpowell.nexgenmall.com !
Part #1 We may please ourselves with the prospect of free and popular gover=
nments. But there is great danger that those governments will not make us h=
appy. God grant that they may. But I fear that in every assembly, members w=
ill obtain an influence by noise not sense. By meanness, not greatness. By =
ignorance, not learning. By contracted hearts, not large souls...
John Adams
Do You Yahoo!?
Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions!
200q20v mailing list
200q20v at audifans.com
Message: 8
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 06:30:50 EST
From: Dmohlemacher at aol.com
To: <200q20v at audifans.com>
Subject: [200q20v] Interior lights
Any advice\experience on replacing the lights in the switches on the center console? (Seat heater switch, ABS switch, etc.)
Message: 9
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 06:30:37 EST
From: Dmohlemacher at aol.com
To: <200q20v at audifans.com>
Subject: [200q20v] Interior lights
Any advice\experience on replacing the lights in the switches on the center console? (Seat heater switch, ABS switch, etc.)
Message: 10
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 07:02:09 -0500
To: Peter Schulz <peschulz at cisco.com>, 200q20v <200q20v at audifans.com>
From: Kneale Brownson <knotnook at traverse.com>
Subject: Re: [200q20v] missed eBay deal on new UFO rotor
Yeah, I gave up bidding on it when I realized it was List member against
List member.
At 02:26 PM 01/24/2002 -0500, Peter Schulz wrote:
>Folks :
>Someone just sold an unused UFO rotor in box on ebay for $61.50!!!
>Peter Schulz
>1990 CQ
>1991 200 20v TQW indigo mica
>1991 200 20v TQW titanium grey
>Chelmsford, MA USA
>peschulz at cisco.com
>200q20v mailing list
>200q20v at audifans.com
Message: 11
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 05:43:58 -0800
From: Bernie Benz <b.m.benz at prodigy.net>
To: Tim Skwiot <tskwiot at hotmail.com>
Cc: audi-20v <audi20v at rennlist.org>,
200q20V mailing list <200q20v at audifans.com>
Subject: [200q20v] Re: [audi20v] Re: The distributor saga continues
Another thought, Tim.
As I recall, you've recently gone through 3 new warranty replacement
distributors, none of which have solved, for long, the oil leakage problem
into the body of the distributor. We now know that apparently these
distributors do not have a positive shaft seal absolutely preventing oil
blowby, so why are you having a blowby pressure that others apparently are
not experiencing?
Have you looked outside of the distributor itself for the root source of the
problem? Could it be that the crankcase breather system has a blockage
problem? In the past there have been threads on both the 20V lists about
such problems and associated parts replacements. The rubber hose to the
block, the flame trap, and other parts at the throttle body end of this
breather system, one that as yet I have not had to fool with.
Dig into it, and keep us posted.
Message: 12
From: Henry A Harper III <hah at alumni.rice.edu>
To: "'Dmohlemacher at aol.com'" <Dmohlemacher at aol.com>,
"200q20v at audifans.com" <200q20v at audifans.com>
Subject: RE: [200q20v] Interior lights
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 08:45:51 -0700
On Friday, January 25, 2002 4:31 AM, Dmohlemacher at aol.com
[SMTP:Dmohlemacher at aol.com] wrote:
> Any advice\experience on replacing the lights in the switches on the center
> console? (Seat heater switch, ABS switch, etc.)
Good writeup (part numbers, etc) at http://www.20v.org/acclight.htm... seat
heater switches are soldered tiny bulbs, other switches are press-fit tiny
bulbs. I have done both my seat heater switches, James' seat heater switches,
and the other three switches on my car. Just be careful in the prying apart of
the switch, especially in colder temperatures.
Henry Harper
http://www.mindspring.com/~hah3 hah at alumni.rice.edu
1991 200 quattro, 114k, temporary daily driver
1988 GTI 16v, 224k, down for clutch replacement
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200q20v at audifans.com
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