[200q20v] aftermarket/Audi shift knobs to replace worn-out stock unit

CL Wong montesawong at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 26 14:27:08 EST 2002

I've been meaning to refinish the knob in my car ever
since I bought it roughly 3 years ago. sigh.

Don't know what to use as a temporary knob while I'm

My projects inevitably take 10X longer than I expect
for one reason or another.

"mongrelizing" hmm.  interesting. I have resisted the
pull of adding V8 tail lights because I want to keep
my car looking like a 200. But someday when the spray
tint finally begins to wear away from the amber part
of my brake lights I may have to go that route.

--- Phil Rose <pjrose at frontiernet.net> wrote:
> I think the look of a wooden knob in the OEM-shape
> is more elegant
> and IMO also more distinctive than the Audi
> leather-covered knobs.
> The original knob is one of the eye-catching
> characteristics of this
> model (and 5-spd V8). My credo is: avoid
> "mongrelizing" the classy
> '91 200q with after-market doo-dads and gimcrackery
> if at all

91 200Q 20v (Hoppen stage 1, Bilsteins, Eibachs, RKE)
97 A4 2.8Q 12v (Shaumberg T/B, K&N panel)

Rockland County, NY

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