[200q20v] aftermarket/Audi shift knobs to replace worn-out stock unit

Tresturbos at aol.com Tresturbos at aol.com
Sun Jan 27 18:20:39 EST 2002

In a message dated 1/26/02 1:29:19 PM, pjrose at frontiernet.net writes:

<< My credo is: avoid "mongrelizing" the classy
'91 200q with after-market doo-dads and gimcrackery if at all

I'm definitely against mongrelizing, however, there may be a knob out there
which would be complimentary to the stock look.  I've checked into the Audi
wood knob at audiusa.com, but it looks too dark to match the other wood in
the car. See for yourselves:


Is that what Audi would consider as the replacement part? I figure, either it
should really match the wood, or a polished aluminum Voodoo would be a better
choice given the matching interior chrome door pulls. I'm a simple freak...no
aftermarket logos inscribed in a knob for me...that's why I was wondering
about a Voodoo.  No shift diagram, just a ball of black or aluminum for
around $30-$35. I loved the polished Voodoo in my Miata. I've heard talk
about a Voodoo designed for the A4, but nothing can be found at their site. I
just e-mailed them inquiring about it.  You can check their knobs out at:


Mitch Frey
Portland, Oregon
'91 200tq IA Stage 3
'00 A6 2.7T

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