What is the best bypass valve for the 200???

Jobe Tichy bimmer_dude at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 11 00:42:41 EDT 2002

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

I know I was considering the FORGE because of its ability to be rebuilt.

I have played with them--never ended up purchasing one because my BPV wasn't
broken the vacuum line was--anyway, they can be taken apart, lubed up, and
o-rings and the piston can be replaced. I guess just recently, the Forge ha=
gone from a nylon piston to a metal piston so I suppose they are
interchangeable.  In my opinion, it's more comforting knowing you can repla=
the parts on it to keep the turbo running tip-top.  Also, they're beefy as
hell and look as though they can take quite a beating.

As for performance, a buddy with a urS4 has one after I recommended it and
says he likes it quite a bit.  It keeps the turbo spooled up better than the
stock BPV, especially since the car's chipped.

Price--$140 I believe.


'91 200tq 20v

'84 BMW 318i (modified)
>From: "Audi Sport"
>To: 200q20v at audifans.com
>Subject: What is the best bypass valve for the 200???
>Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 05:00:19 -0400
>[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
>I am looking to replace the stock plastic, rubber diaphragmed bypass valve
>with an after market metal unit. Do any of you know which valve works best=
>the 200? Who makes it? And how much is it? I know there are quite a few
>companies that offer bypass valves out there that would fit out cars but
>one should I go with? Anyone with experience on this?
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