No Start this morning

Ingo D. Rautenberg ingo at
Tue Jul 16 12:46:51 EDT 2002

Had parked the 91 200q20v last Friday at the Airport and when I got back
last night (Monday)she started right up.  Five miles later I filled her up
with $20 worth of Mobil Super and drove another 20 miles to the local
Blockbuster for a movie.  Started up fine after 15 minutes and drove to the
supermarket and then parked the car at home.  This morning she cranked fine,
but did not fire once.  I opened hood and checked for any moisture/loose
connections (75 degrees and humid -- will be 90+ today like most everywhere
in the good-ol-USA today).  Did smell fuel.  Didn't have time to further
diagnose, so I drove the urq to work instead.  Any ideas?  I'm sure I'll
check the codes and spark plugs first.


'91 200q20v...Slightly modified
'83 Urquattro
('90 v8q RIP)

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