No Start this morning

Brian Link brianl at
Wed Jul 17 12:27:44 EDT 2002

Ingo,  your problem sounds identical to my 86 coupe gt.  It was the fuel
pump relay.  During a no start condition I could tap on the relay while
cranking, and it would spring to life.  I Maybe worth a try if you have a
spare you could swap for.

Brian Link
Boulder, CO

>Reply-To: Ingo Rautenberg <ingo at>
>Ah, the puzzle.  I guess ye ol 20v just missed me ;-).  Tried starting her
>up this evening and she did so without complaint.  Must like the heat more
>than I do (91F/33C at 7 pm) .  Easy to pass everyone else with running
>big A/C load in my sans A/C Urq, though.
>Will see if it was just a fluke.  Has anyone had any fuel pressure
>problems with their 200q20v?  I know v8 owners replace them as a matter of
>course (though I never found the need to).

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