how do you get the damn doors off?

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Wed Jul 17 15:45:42 EDT 2002

As usual, with Bentley, you need to "snoop" instead of look for
reasonably-organized info:  Try interior trim, rear door:  70.5, which says
the armrest is held on with allen head screws that need loosening.

At 01:55 PM 07/17/2002 -0400, Dan Simoes wrote:

>I'm trying to remove the rear door panels and I know there are some kind
>of screws inside the armrest, but what are they?  They aren't phillips
>head, they aren't hex (though they look that way) and I doubt they are
>Any ideas?  Thanks.
>Also, if anyone has managed to fit 4" speakers in the dash without major
>surgery let me know.  I have a nice set of JBLs but I would need to whip
>out the Dremel.  4" MB Quarts are on ebay for $65 and I bet they would
>drop right in, but I'm not positive.
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