Trailer hitch

Brett Dikeman brett at
Wed Jul 24 02:23:53 EDT 2002

At 8:20 PM -0700 7/23/02, Derek Pulvino wrote:

>Thinking about picking up a Hobie Cat and wondering what people have done
>for trailer hitches for the 200's.

Avant or sedan?  I believe the avant is more difficult...I remember
watching either Glen or Peter take a grinder to their avant to make
the hitch fit.

Da'Lan has a reputation among listers for getting things right re
selection for Audis, and a quality product.  Our old 5000 sported a
Da'Lan hitch within 2 weeks of being delivered, and gave plenty of
good service.

>   Tried a google search of the archives.
>Maybe I wasn't doing it right, but I would just get a hit would then require
>me to scroll through tons of messages to find the "needle."

Yup.  The archive searching sucks.  I'm trying to work on something
better...just other stuff keeps coming up.

The help section contains some searching tips that might help.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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