Leaking onto floorboard carpet

BriceW at webtv.net BriceW at webtv.net
Sun Jul 28 04:13:54 EDT 2002

I was getting ready to put new floor mats in my 20V. I had just cleaned
the carpet and went to an automatic car wash. I noticed water on both
sides of the floorboard . I looked at the plastic over the air
conditioning and blower motor and found that it was not sealed properly.
Part of the plastic lip up the against the window was bent and left a
gap. Also I noticed that the hinged door on the right side had a rotted
seal. I couldn't get this piece to seal as it was severely bent.
I can get a new plastic piece to cover and in the meantime tape the
cracks. If I get a new plastic cover I will cut it at the hole over the
right wiper so I can take the whole thing off easily. Putting a piece of
tape over the cut.
Has anyone done this repair?
Also, the hinged door. Should I buy a new one or put new sealant on the
old one,etc.
How hard is it to remove this hinged door and replace it? I noticed 2
Phillips at the bottom and 2 Phillps at the top but getting to them
looked like a bitch.
Should I bother with it?
While I was in there I cleaned out the drain hole and removed minimal
leaves from both sides.
Audi floor mats are $110.00 and I want them to last.

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