Headlamp relays

Bernie Benz b.m.benz at prodigy.net
Tue Jun 4 12:33:53 EDT 2002

Hello, George "Overkill" Sideman.

And in your benine climate too!

How did your chrome plated 2" chrome molly double acting strut brace work

Regards,  Bernie

> From: George Sidman <sidman at montereynet.net>
> Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2002 09:48:10 -0700
> To: 200q20v at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: Headlamp relays
> IMO the Bosch relays are not good enough. They cost too much, the
> plastic tabs break off, the failure rate is too high, etc. I go to my
> local electronics store and buy top quality commercial relays for less
> than $4.00 each, along with sealed connectors. Mine have been in
> service on the body rail above the passenger side headlamp for some
> time without a glitch. The primary feed is off the alternator -
> separate No. 10 wire to each relay set, and the No. 10 ground wires
> back to the ground bar beside the distributor. All connectors are
> marine grade, with the epoxy that oozes out under the heat gun, and
> all other connectors are sleeved with shrink, or sealed with silicon.
> An engine room is a nasty place, and you can't be too cautious unless
> you enjoy profane roadside dialogs with trivial parts...........
> --
> George Sidman, President
> Monterey Network Center
> sidman at montereynet.net
> 831. 657. 1500
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