Misc. breather hose, etc.

Bernie Benz b.m.benz at prodigy.net
Mon Jun 10 21:54:28 EDT 2002

It's easy to put off the needs, if one concentrates too much on the need
nots.  But remains always a presidential prerogative.


> From: George Sidman <sidman at montereynet.net>
> Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 10:35:11 -0700
> To: 200q20v at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: Misc. breather hose, etc.
> Peter:
> The flash arrestor looks to me like a copper brillo pad, but I have
> never had to replace mine. Also, I replaced the heater valve along
> with all heater hoses, and the heater core, just a month ago. I can't
> imagine why the valve and core started leaking after only 230,000
> miles. Interestingly enough the hoses were in very good condition, but
> got replaced anyway. Good luck on the rusty steering stabilizer.
> That's one I haven't done............
> --
> George Sidman, President
> Monterey Network Center
> sidman at montereynet.net
> 831. 657. 1500

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