brake piston retraction tool (!)

Mihnea Cotet mik at
Tue Jun 11 18:33:47 EDT 2002

At 11:18 11/06/2002 -0400, Peter Schulz wrote:
>Pete has two wagons because wagon #2 was the potential 3B donor for my
>perpetually postponed E-S2 project...
>The wagon cost me little more than the going rate for just the used 3b
>Turns out that the wagon is in too good a condition to part out, not to
>mention a rare bird...
>figure less than the 150 imported still in existence - and I have more than
>1% of them  ;^)
>Having two young boys, bikes, skis, etc, and an old house, I need a "truck"
>Still need a 3B for the CQ, however...
>ps> ask Allen Swett why he also needs two 200q20v wagons...

So, what's the going rate for a good 3B complete engine with harness and
ECU in the US BTW?

I'll tell you after that how much I paid for my 200tq20v that's also in a
very good shape to part but is already being parted out anyway... :-)))


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