Subject: Experience Passenger side Engine mount R&R?

Gene Caldwell gene.ghc at
Mon Jun 17 10:48:44 EDT 2002

C1J1Miller at wrote:

>Peter:  been a while, but as I recall:
>Start off by removing the little heat shield; it 's in the way and you'll spend a lot of time trying to work around it when it comes out pretty easy.  The little screws might strip...
>Wasn't much more than unbolt it, pull it out, put in the new one. Think I supported the engine from below with a jack, and make sure you put the heat shielding and vent hose back the same way.
>Subject: Experience Passenger side Engine mount R&R?
>  Folks:
>  Can someone who has replaced their passenger side mount with removing the
>  turbo or manifold share their experience?
>  Thanks!
>  -Peter
>  Peter Schulz
>200q20v mailing list
>200q20v at
Similar to Chris's comments, but also had to lower the subframe about 1
inch to make room to get mount in/out.  Did not completely remove
subframe bolts though.


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