In the throws of gauge woes

Zoot531 at Zoot531 at
Tue Jun 18 02:37:06 EDT 2002


  I know this is a somewhat belabored topic in this forum, but i hope that
you can once again provide me with some sagelike advice.  I'm currently in
the process of installing an autometer boost gauge (because i am sick of the
digital dash display) and an A-F meter of the same brand (mostly because it
looks cool and i got it for free, but also because it is
informative...kindof)  anyway, these gauges are to be mounted in the steering
column cover ala Jim Green ( and
i have the electrical wiring figured out for the most part, but what i am
curious about is A: if the sensor just after the turbo with the 3 wires
coming from it is infact the Oxygen sensor, if so, where and how would i
connect the A-F wire to one of these wires to send signal to the gauge, and
B: how on earth do i get the boost line for the turbo gauge from the steering
column discretely to either the pressure line going into the ecu or somewhere
under the hood.  As always, TIA.

BTW, methinks Jim has done one of the nicest looking gauge installs I've seen
in these cars.

Adam Chinchiolo
'91 200q20v...mounting holes some fussy wire-tube routing.

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