Kevin Kerr
ansol130 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 19 10:26:30 EDT 2002
--- Peter Schulz <peschulz at cisco.com> wrote:
> Set piston #1 to TDC - (pull plug. put straw or a
> dowel into the cylinder.
> remove the bumper, lowered the secondary radiator,
> used a socket and wrench to rotate the engine
> (clockwise as you face it) until the #1 cylinder had
> the straw at it's highest point and the flywheel
> hash mark and zero showed in the "window" - noted
> position of the dist rotor and the cut out on the
> dist body.
I put the car in 5th and roll until the TDC mark
appears in the flywheel observation port. A second
person would make this easy.
> has anyone been able to not remove the manifold and
> still remove the anti tamper bolt? need to know for
> the Indigo wagon...
I had success with drilling the rivet off. I started
with a dremel and found going very slow, so I went
for the drill.
I used something like a 3/8" bit that had a pilot
point on it which allowed me to bite into the rivet.
An old towel would help catch the flying metal bits.
I think I removed the cruse control actuator and the
pentosin bottle for better access.
It may be easier to remove the intake manifold,
but I didn't try it.
-Kevin Kerr
Fort Collins, CO
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