boost problem solved (I think)

Bernie Benz b.m.benz at
Sat Jun 22 22:12:23 EDT 2002

Hi Dan,

After putting the TDC mark on the flywheel at the window pointer, did you
verify tha it was TDC compression stroke, and not TDC exhaust stroke, by
looking at the rotor?  Should have been pointing at #1 plug terminal and
over the mark on the dist housing.  Sounds like the engine was at TDC
exhaust when you removed the old one and you then reinstalled as if it were
at TDC compression.  If correct, the rotor should be pointing forward and
the Hall sensor should be at about 2 oclock.


> From: Dan Simoes <dans at>
> Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 23:01:03 -0400
> To: 200 20v <200q20v at>
> Subject: boost problem solved (I think)
> OK, here's the cliff notes as it's late.
> I set out to tackle replacing the distributor, saving myself a 2.5hr
> round trip to my local Audi specialist.
> I set the engine at TDC, indicated by the 0 in the (tiny) window above
> the transmission.  I did this by having the car on a slight downhill, in
> 5th gear, and a helper on/off the brake as I literally hovered over the
> hood trying to see in.
> Once at 0, I removed the distributor by first chiseling off the
> protective cover and bolt, removed the 13mm nut and "yoke" holding the
> dist on.  I then verified that the gear was only slightly worn, but the
> dist had considerable play in it, compared to new.
> I lined up the rotor, hash mark on the round piece below it, and the
> hash on the body of the distributor, and inserted it with the hall
> sensor connection at about 2oclock, as you look at the dist from the
> drivers side.
> The car would not start.  Verified wire connections, etc as you know
> (thanks to Brett, Paul Royal and Peter S. for calling in with
> advice/comparisions).
> Had dinner, came back out with a mag lite to try to loosen the 13mm nut
> enough to rotate the dist.  Succeeded after some time (coming in from
> the firewall this time, cap and wires still on!) and rotated the dist
> counterclockwise as my brother in law cranked the engine.  nothing.  I
> was hitting the manifold, so I went back the other way.  At some point,
> vroom.
> The hall sensor is now at around 7 or 8 oclock, but the car starts.
> I went for a quick test drive and it held boost in 3rd and 4th gears
> uphill, which before it did not (digital gauge showing 1.7, analog
> around 13psi).
> I'm not sure what all this means.  Could it be that the engine was
> already 180 degrees off, and my rotation just compensated for this?  Or,
> am I the one who is off?  I'm not sure if I should leave it like this or
> have it checked out, you tell me.
> I didn't even tighten the nut yet, but will do so tomorrow.
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