FAW-Audi-update, phase two

paul fernandes paulfern2000 at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 3 09:22:04 EST 2002

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To all fellow listers,
it's been a long time waiting for this but here it goes, I have really gone=
 and done it now. I have booked a trip to China to meet all these suppliers=
. This commences phase two of the whole idea, It seems I have now gotten th=
ru the road block that VW-Audi ag was imposing.
All suppliers are now onboard, Wait does not mean everything is final. I wi=
ll be Shanghai staring 6 March until 17 March. It is one intensive.

Now just to get everyone up to speed the "phase one" was basically a search=
 and probe mission basically to see how much interest was out there for thi=
s stuff. I once again have to thank all that sent feedback about the Audi C=
hinese parts. All was recorded and will now be brought up to these supplier=
s=2E The initial feedback from them was a bit reluctant due to commitments =
from Audi but we managed to get over that and now begins "phase two" this w=
ill be to check these parts availability, verify parts, quality issues, Dot=
/SAE/E approval issues.

I have spent these last weeks preparing presentations, lists, pictures , no=
tes and god only knows what else for this..I actually cannot believe still =
I have gotten to this point, I'll be honest with you all I thought the whol=
e idea would flop within a month or so. well for me to get this far shows I=
'm really screwed up....The main issue was to try to convince the wife abou=
t this...

Anyway I got some quick info. for all out there waiting details about the X=
enon projector headlight for the type44 models, bad news is this unit is no=
t European certified, this was critical because I knew straight off they we=
re not Dot approved, wait this does not kill the whole thing yet I will be =
discussing this with the supplier in China about getting certification done=
, this means investment. If it is too high I will have to kill it. let hope=
 for the best because I want the dam thing on my car as well.

This is pretty much for now, if I missed any specific issues (I'm sure I mi=
ssed a couple dozen) please write me off line so I can respond ...but remem=
ber I will be gone Wednesday so you have to send something before Tuesday.

wish all Quattro nuts a fine weekend.

Paul Fernandes
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