1.3 is max boost
Mike Miller
MikeMilr at blackfoot.net
Wed Mar 6 07:17:20 EST 2002
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brett Dikeman" <brett at cloud9.net>
> At 8:51 PM -0800 3/5/02, motogo1 wrote:
> >Opps, how could I forget the obvious. Check all hoses from turbo to
> >for leaks also.
> Most likely not the problem. Leaks cause stumbling and the car will
> do anything but act fine.
> Unplug the multifunction temp sensor, and test-drive the car.
> If you get full boost, replace the sensor. They're around $50-60 I
> think, and available from almost any of the favorite parts
> sources(www.audifans.com->parts vendors.)
I would suspect the WGFV (waste gate frequency valve ) before the MF sensor.
First thing I would check is the hose to the turbo bypass valve - it
frequently gets burned under the heat shield on the passenger side of the
mike miller
enjoying this blizzard in montana
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