Bilstein shocks

Noelle Beaudin nobeau at
Sun Mar 10 00:55:10 EST 2002


SuffolkD at wrote:
> Bilsteins are life time.  Got a receipt OR the pervious owner does?
>  Submit and get a free replacement.  They are hard to deal with, but
> they owe you.
> -Scott

Thanks. I know about the lifetime warranty.  I was curious to
know of any other experiences with different shocks since I
don't want to have to go through this every 25k.  It may well
just be I got a naff set of shocks..who knows.  Unfortunately,
I don't have the receipt anyway, and neither does the
previous owner.  I was going to contact Bilstein anyway
just to see if there were a way I could get a free replacement
without the receipt, but it probably means removing my shocks
and sending them to them, so I would be shock-less for
a while ;-)  And I don't know if I can bring myself to
drive anything other than the 200 for over a week.  I may
go into withdrawals.  This is why I was looking at just
purchasing some new.


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