Tire Selection - Cobra tires

Fundsalo Racing fundsaloracing at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 20 07:39:51 EST 2002

No kidding! I run the Cobra Radial G/Ts in 245-60-15 F
and 255-60-15 R on hand-polished OEM 15x8" Snowflake
alloys. They work great on a heavy car, in this case
an antique 5-speed RA-IV 455HO Poniaction.  



--- Shayne <thequattroking at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I have found one of the best all around tire out
> there to be the Cooper
> Cobra series.  I have these on the 200
> They do as good as any AS large tire will do in the
> slick.  I like them
> enough to get  another set for the V8.
> HTH,  
> Shayne P.

-glen  Live Free or Die


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