Euro lights install

Charles Baer charlie at
Thu Mar 21 10:38:36 EST 2002

I was in a crunch for free time to do mine, so went for the Blau
harness.  I would have done it a bit different, but it works well
as they designed it.

I did have to fix a couple of problems, some connectors didn't mate
and one side needed some pins transposed for the 4-pin.  I also added
the factory boots for the plugs (didn't come with the harness) and 
ended up sending Scott M. a note about the connector on one side not
having the same orientation as the other.  He has an excellent page
of information for this:


Brett Dikeman wrote:
> At 11:58 AM -0800 3/20/02, motogo1 wrote:
> >I'm starting a Euro headlight transplant on my 91 200. I've got info from
> >the net about building a wiring harness with relays for these babies, but
> >being a 'basic knowledge' kind of guy with regards to things electrical, I
> >thought I'd ask if anybody that has done one of these projects would share
> >some info. Any info on what kind of relays, inline fuses, connectors, etc
> >with specifics and sources and tips on the install would be greatly
> >appreciated. TIA
> Gary, I highly recommend the Blau harness.  The quality of assembly
> is very impressive.  They include full hardware(including a circuit
> breaker/fuse combo), some nice instructions, and some extras...for
> example, a switch can be put in the passenger compartment that
> controls whether the aux driving light beams come on with the high
> beams or not.  They even throw in the switch(granted, its a generic,
> not an Audi switch, but...)
> The wires are nicely crimped, all consistently color-coded, crimped
> very nicely with heatshrink tubing perfectly cut+positioned over the
> crimps; they use a real relay block, etc.  I think it's well worth
> the cost.  I just have to actually get around to installing mine :-)
> The only way it could have been better was if they used the official
> Audi boot connector to hook up to the lights(they used a generic
> 4-pin connector that has the right spacing.)
> Brett
> --
> ----
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> safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin
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