which throttle body for RS2 intake manifold?

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Fri Mar 22 19:02:17 EST 2002

At 10:04 22/03/2002 -0700, auditude at get.net wrote:
>When "you guys" upgrade to RS2 intake manifolds, do you use the stock 200tq
>throttle body?

Yup, it's the same part number BTW...

>I have a normally aspirated 20v head (7A), that I want to eventually use 
>for a turbo
>project.  I will have to source or make intake and exhaust manifolds, and 
>I have no
>peripheral parts, like 3B fuel rail or throttle body and all that stuff.

Ummm, I don't think a 7A throttle body will be good for a turbo engine and 
you'll have a hard time finding hoses that fit that throttle body...

Just my 0.02 Euro,


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