soundgate saga revisited

Brett Dikeman brett at
Fri Mar 29 14:44:55 EST 2002

Finally took the time to try, as one lister suggested, driving the
soundgate off the preamp outs on the head unit.  No go.  So the
Soundgate is probably defective, or the wrong unit for the 200q20v
bose system(I found one post on the V8q list saying the "OEM" unit is
correct, not the "AUB1".)  The funny part in all of this is that if I
turn on the car, the unit goes bonkers within a minute easy.  If I
turn off the engine, the static goes away completely and the unit
starts behaving itself again.

At this point, I'm thinking of trying to directly connect the preamp
outs from the head unit(Blaupunkt, which means 2.2v preouts, which is
the same as the Bose system inputs.)  I think I have a spare harness
plug to do this without modification to the car's wiring.

I have a feeling I'll get a typical amp "pop", but what the
least I'll be able to listen to the stereo for more than 5 minutes at
a time.

Oh, and for all those that say the system has eq's and stuff...I've
read the soundgate is no better, having a "flat response"(ie, it's
not set up to imitate the head unit's equalization.)  "Perfect  match
to your system" indeed.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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