Engine oil question - Amsoil

Fundsalo Racing fundsaloracing at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 31 07:17:20 EST 2002

I used Amsoil many years ago, BQ, (before quattros),
and it was a good alternative to the Mobil 1
'synthetic blend' that was avalable at the time, I was
a dealer as well, around 1978-1980. (yeah, I'm _that_
old!) They do have many nice products. Today, I don't
think anyone has the resources, experience or R&D
budget that Mobil Oil Co. has, so I use M1 100%
synthetic exclusively, even in the trans and diff in
the quattro, where they are not 'supposed' to be used.
Amsoil is also quite expensive as they are a MLM
company and a lot of people need to get paid along the


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