v8q 5spd vs. 200q20v

Calvin & Diana Craig calvinlc at earthlink.net
Fri May 10 00:19:46 EDT 2002

My Car & Driver from 6/91 says 15.0 @ 92 MPH for the 5 speed V-8 and 6.6 for
0-60, with a top speed of 145 mph.  My 12/90 Road & track says 0-60 in 7.2
for the 200, and 1/4 mile in 15.4 @ 88.5 mph with an "estimated" top speed
of 150.  I always thought the R&T guys couldn't drive worth a crap when
comparing their times to the C&D guys and I know I can cut a better than 7.2
with my '91.  But I believe it is pretty much a dead even heat.  The V-8
weighs 250 lbs more (3898 vs. 3645).  And my wife wonders why I keep all
these old magazines around :)
--Calvin Craig
Parker, CO
'92 S4
'91 200 TQ
'89 200 TQW
'72 Formula Firebird

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