UFOs - braking in procedure, etc.

Fundsalo Racing fundsaloracing at yahoo.com
Sat May 11 05:54:26 EDT 2002

Use brake-clean liberally to remove all material from
the friction surfaces of the rotors.

Consider painting the UFO part with high-temp engine
enamel to stop/slow rusting.

Bed-in the pads. You will get many differing opinions
on this procedure, mine in but one opinion and
process. Your pads might include instructions for this
procedure. My procedure is to perform multiple
moderate stops from like 30 to zero to SLOWLY heat the
pads up to stinky-hot. Some slight smoking of the pads
is OK and is a good sign that you have them hot
enough. I monitor progress both heating and cooling
with a laser temp meter. Then drive at moderate speed
for 5-10 miles with no braking to cool them. All done!

Pedal should be nice and high and brakes should feel
very solid. SS flexible brake hoses make a huge
difference in pedal feel, especially when hot.



--- Mark Trank <MTrank at albemarle.org> wrote:
> Listers:
> When installing new UFO rotors and pads, what if any
> initial "break-in" (no
> pun intended) can I anticipate?  Any difference in
> pedal feel, etc?
> Original UFOs (and pads!) are on the car, pretty
> badly warped, and I was
> just wondering what I might need to do to ensure the
> rotors are treated
> property post-install.
> Thanks as always!
> Mark
> 91 200q20v
> 94k miles
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